About Urja Kiran
The Department of Physics of St. Teresa’s College (Autonomous), Ernakulum, selected as a participating agency in the Ernakulum Zone, and joined hands with EMC in carrying out the energy conservation initiatives of the scheme URJAKIRAN- Energy Conservation Awareness Campaign (ECAC) from its inception 2015 onwards. The objective of the programme is to create awareness among the general public and to equip them for efficient management of all forms of energy as well as to develop new sources of energy and novel energy technologies with a view to increase the production and hence facilitating the use of energy on a sustainable basis. The activities of Urjakiran encompasses conducting post sanctioned workshops for NGOs and delegates from various colleges for equipping them for better execution of the energy conservation programme and to develop novel and comprehensive approaches for energy conservation, conducting awareness programmes for various self-help groups and PTA of schools in remote areas as well as conducting awareness rallies on National Energy Conservation day.