B.A. Economics

BA EconomicsThe BA Economics Degree course in Economics (Main) and Economics as a subsidiary paper, started in the year 1937. “Economics places a key role in all aspects of life and is an important subject worth knowing more about.”

The principal aims and objectives of the BA Economics programme at St. Teresa’s College are: to provide students a well founded education in Economics, to provide and adapt curricula that prepare our graduates for employment and further study as economists, to provide the students with the opportunity to pursue courses that emphasise quantitative and theoretical aspects of Economics, to provide students with the opportunity to focus on applied and policy issues in Economics, to provide programmes that allow the students to choose from a wide range of economic specialisms, to provide a well resourced learning environment for Economics.


The UG programme in Economics includes

(a) Common Courses

(b) Core Courses

(c) Complementary Courses

(d) Open Course

(e) Project

No course shall carry more than 4 credits. The core papers offered for BA Economics Semester I Methodology of Social Sciences with Special Reference to Economics subsidiary paper-Mathematics/Sociology Semester II Development and Environmental Economics subsidiary paper-Mathematics/Sociology Semester III Principles of Micro Economics Modern Banking Logic Semester IV Micro Economic Analysis Public Economics Logic Semester V Quantitative Techniques for Economic Analysis Principles of Macro Economics Indian Economy Economics of Financial Markets Open course Semester VI Quantitative Techniques for Economic Analysis Macro Economic Analysis Development Issues of the Indian Economy International Economics Choice based course-Econometric methods Project

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