Current And Emerging Technologies In Crypto – Currency, Machine Learning, IOT And Future Computing
The B.Voc Software Development in association with B.Sc. Computer Applications (Triple Main) students organized a national conference on 16th February 2018. This national conference is sponsored by the University Grants Commision (UGC). The UGC sponsored national conference will help the Tech lovers to understand the future inventions and ideas easily. They can also focus the best carrer options using these ideas.
To register for this event please use the below links.
Registration: Click Here
Topics & Speakers
Bitcoin And Cryptocurrency Technologies – An Introduction
Mr.George C Paul
Director, Capgemini Technology Service INDIA Ltd.
Bangaluru, Karnataka
Machine Learning And It’s Applications
Mr.Saj Janin J
Principal Architect, Cognizant Technology Solutions
IOT & Future Computing – An Overview
Mr.K R Ramesh Babu
Asst.Professor, Department of Information Technology
Govt.Engineering College, Idukki
Chairman BoE(IT) Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam
Registration Fee:
Faculty –Rs.350
Research Scholar –Rs.250
Students –Rs.100 (College ID Compulsory)
To download the session details please visit this link.