A motivational session was organized by the Department of B.Voc Food Processing Technology at 11 :00 am I’m Google meet platform on 30th November 2020. The resources person was  Mr. Subash koroth, Managing director of Artocarpus Food pvt. Ltd.

A motivational session was organized by the department of Food Processing Technology at 11:00 am in google meet platform on 30th November, 2020. Mr. Subhash Koroth (Managing director of Artocarpus Foods Pvt Ltd) the resource person, focused on how one can program the subconscious mind and overcome societal pressure to achieve success. He gave some most beneficial points and tips on the importance of taking up entrepreneurship.. The speaker related his own personal experience to the audience, in which he narrated how he converted the much neglected Jackfruit into various incredible products which is well acclaimed globally now.. It covered his hardwork and hardships he hurdled to attain the life he is living now. This motivational session helped students to be guided by a positive mind and driven by self-motivation. It also focused on making the students build positive ‘self- esteem ‘and discover their true potential.

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