Inauguration of Learning and Sharing Workshops in Kerala to end Violence against Women13. Inauguration of Learning and Sharing Workshops in Kerala to end Violence against Women (VAW) hosted by the British Deputy High Commission, Chennai 5/12/2015 hosted by the British Deputy High Commission, Chennai 5/12/2015

The Department of Sociology and NSS Unit St. Teresa’s College together coordinated the inaugural of the ‘Learning and Sharing Workshops for legal and police officers [...]

68 NSS volunteers participated in one day seminar on ‘Techniques for Resolving Violence against Women and Children’ Organized by Vanitha Cell, Ernakulam City Police

NSS Unit organized a lecture cum interactive session on ‘Life Style Diseases and Kidney Damage’ on 27th November 2013. Shri Manohar A.P, Trustee and State [...]

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