A Webinar-“ENLIGHTEN” was conducted by the Department of Mathematics as a part of “International day against drug abuse and illicit trafficking”. The session was conducted in Google Meet platform. Mrs Shalini George (Creative consultant and advisory board member of Project VENDA) was the resourse person. About 116 participants including the faculties and students of the Department of Mathematics attended the webinar. During the session the students were made aware about the statistics of people using drugs in India. The speaker spoke about the causes which attracts young adults to the usage of drugs and the ways to get rid of its usage.


Outcome of the activity:

The session made the students aware of the harmful effects of drugs. It provided an insight into objective of WHO for  the year 2020 – “Better Knowledge for Better Care”. It also helped in spreading awareness about the increase in the extend of drug users in our country and the measures to save them.

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Published On: June 27th, 2020Categories: Mathematics, Mathematics Activities