The Department of Psychology conducted a session on General Mental Health and Well being for the women of Kudumbasree in Mulavkad Panchayat on 10th January 2020. The session was engaged by Assistant Professor Mrs Meghana Ranjit. 50 women from the Kudumbasree unit took part in the session at St. Antony’s Parish Hall, Mulavukadu. They were briefed on mental health, protection and well being. A feedback was also collected from them to understand the nature of counseling or interventions required. The women reported that they required counseling with respect to family and children. The Department will be conducting a one day counseling session for the women based on the feedback received on 27th January 2020. Continuous feedback will be taken and counseling offered as and when deemed necessary.

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Published On: January 11th, 2020Categories: Cochin news, college news, Psychology, Psychology Activities