On 30th January, the Department of English and Centre for Research in collaboration with Teresian International conducted a student enrichment programme at the Seminar Hall at 2 pm. The resource persons of the day were Juana Adcock, Luna Montenegro and Aidan Fisher, eco-poets based in the UK. They are participants of the UK- India eco-poetry project coordinated by the organisation, Literature Across Frontiers. The aim of the session was to promote better understanding about climate change, biodiversity and translingual creative practices. Juana Adcock recited poems ‘This Body of a Woman I Inhabit’ and ‘Self-Served Slurpy’ from her collection ‘Split’ and other works from an unreleased anthology. This was followed by the poetry performances of the duo, Aidan Fisher and Luna Montenegro.

The poets collaborated to render a musical recital of Adcock’s poem ‘Hogweed’. Poems dedicated to the endangered insects of Kerala were also delivered. A Q&A session was arranged. The poets shared their diverse experiences in India and how creating art can contribute to climate justice. The event concluded with a choral recitation of Margaret Atwood’s poem ‘Helen of Troy does Countertop Dancing’ by the third year students. A token of appreciation was presented to the guests by Dr. Priya K Nair and Dr. Jisha John.

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Published On: January 30th, 2024Categories: English Activities