On August 2,2023, the Department of English and Centre for Research in association with the Poetry Club and Prakriti Foundation conducted a workshop on how to consume poetry, at the Seminar Hall at 9.30 AM. The resource person of the day was Mr. Jerry Pinto, poet, novelist, short story writer, translator and journalist.
The objective of the workshop was to expose young readers to the expansive world of poetry and translation. The speaker introduced pioneering Indian poets in the 11th century, like Muktabai and Janabhai. The speaker recited the poem ‘Joy and Sorrow’ by Muktabai to examine how divinity and poetry complemented each other. The hesitance in translating poetry written by women was also discussed. The elusiveness of literary works in Asia and the flourishing of European texts in the sixteenth century were debated. The speaker then addressed the challenges of translating Indian poems. The talk was followed by an interactive session.