The ” INFLORE’ 22″ Inter-College Fest was conducted by Rajagiri College of Management and Applied Sciences .’The Met Gala Sashay: Corporate Walk fashion show had once again witnessed a winning streak by the STC Fashion Team of our college, performing alongside eight other teams in the competition. ‘Mythical Goddesses’ as their chosen theme for this year,  the fashion team displayed various goddesses and embraced the stage with confidence and elegance.

Ms. Hafza Rezbin Razick, from  BMS 2021 batch, showcased as the ‘Goddess of Motherhood’ exquisitely carried out the stage with immense grace along with her team members. She was adorned in a beautiful white dress and royal purple details, leaving the audience awestruck by the beauty and purity portrayed by the character.

We are proud of our fashionista!

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Published On: October 15th, 2022Categories: Management Studies, Management Studies Achievements, Public News