Three years passed, and it was time to say goodbye to the BMS’22 Batch. The NetFlix-themed fantastic Farewell Party – Never have I Ever Graduated, arranged by the BMS Batch’23 to their seniors was held on the 7th of April from 1 pm – 4 pm. It was packed with action, comedy, and a whole lot of memories for the outgoing batch. The Miss Farewell event was the highlight of the day, complete with several interesting rounds. And also a line of fun games was arranged. All the preparations of the students did pay off on the day of the event. It was a really great day packed with lots of memories. There were gifts distributed to the senior students as a token of love by their juniors. As the says said, Beginnings always hide in the end, they ended the day wishing all the best for their future endeavors.



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Published On: April 7th, 2022Categories: Management Studies, Management Studies Activities