M.Sc Psychology
About the course:
The Department of Psychology is committed to provide an enriched educational experience to develop the knowledge, skills and attributes of students to equip them for life in a complex and rapidly changing world through its M.Sc degree program in Psychology. The M.Sc. in Psychology is a 2 years full time post graduate course which is divided into 4 semesters. This is a post-graduate degree that provides students with both academic and practical knowledge in the field of psychology.
Aims and Opportunities:
The curriculum and syllabi for this program are on par with any reputed educational institution in India and abroad. The Programme offers comprehensive instruction in the theory, methods and application of Psychology. The aim and objective of the course are:
- To equip students to prepare and perform well in competitive examinations conducted by UGC/ICSSR/State and Central Civil Services Boards etc.
- To develop application skills through practical-intensive classes.
- To build a strong foundation for theoretical and conceptual understanding of Psychology and one specialization branch chosen
- Introduce students to fundamental ideas, theories and assessment techniques with an emphasis on the applications.
- To enable students to handle testing, evaluation and report writing.
- To enable students to apply theory in different settings
- To perform well in group and develop professional presentation skills.
- To develop leadership skills and instill a sense of ethical decision making that will be beneficial to the organization and the communities that the student serves.
Course Structure:
Theory Courses
There are twenty theory courses spread equally in all four semesters in the M.Sc. Programme. Distribution of theory courses is as follows: There are sixteen compulsory courses common to all students. Semester I and Semester II will have eight core courses; and Semester III will have three core courses and one elective. Semester IV will have two core courses and two elective courses. Total credits for the Master’s programme in Psychology is 80.
The project of the PG programmme should be very relevant and innovative in nature. The type of project can be decided by the student and the guide (a faculty of the department or other department/college/university/institution). The project work should be taken up seriously by the student and the guide. The project should be aimed to motivate the inquisitive and research aptitude of the students. The students may be encouraged to present the results of the project in seminars/symposia. The conduct of the project may be started at the beginning of Semester III with its evaluation scheduled at the end of Semester IV. The project is evaluated by one external and one internal examiner.
Viva Voce
A viva voce examination will be conducted by one external examiner along with an internal examiner at the time of the evaluation of the project. The components of viva consists of subject of special interest, psychology, topics covering all semesters and awareness of current and advanced topics with separate marks.
Eligibility and Admissions:
A candidate who has passed B.A/B.Sc. Psychology, approved by M G University with a minimum of 50 % is eligible to pursue the M.Sc. Psychology Programme on a regular basis. Relaxation in percentage is allowed for SC/ST, OEC, SEBC and physically challenged students as prescribed by the University from time to time.
Job Opportunity:
The Masters degree course will give students a good base for higher degree programam in respective degrees such as M.Phil and Ph.D for further research studies. They can join schools both on private and regular basis after clearing certain qualification like B.Ed, NET etc Students specializing in Clinical Psychology can pursue higher degrees like M.Phil which needed to practice as Clinical Psychologists after gaining an RCI registration. Students pursuing Organizational Behavior specialization can join HR departments in corporate companies and engage in assessment, training and development activities.. Earning a Master of Science in Psychology can open doors to a number of exciting career paths as it provides a comprehensive background in psychological theories and their applications. With this degree, individuals can gain entry into work environments as varied as consulting with top corporate executives and counseling patients in medical facilities.