Department of Physics of St Teresa’s College ( Autonomous)
Ernakulam has organized an awareness Programme on “Prevention of Drug Abuse Among
College Students” on 26 June 2023 between 2.30 to 3.30 pm for the second year BSc physics
students and the third year Msc of the college. Ms Gowri Nandhana MS of third year
welcomed the participants.Sonia P Sajeev of III DC physics presented an awareness on the
topic ” Drug abuse”. She discussed various aspects of drug abuse emphasising prevention and
how to seek professional help. The program was organised as part of the International Day
Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking .The students’ interaction was affirmative. They
got an idea of what drugs are and what are the hazards caused by them. The students of II DC
PHYSICS also played a mime on the same. It was a very actively conducted program by the



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Published On: January 15th, 2024Categories: Physics, Physics Activities