The Department of English and Centre for Research organised a creative writing workshop at the Audio Visual room in the College Library on the 6th of February , 2024 at 12 pm. The resource person of the day was Mr. Tenzin Tsundue, a Tibetan refugee poet and activist. Mr. Tsundue led a session on the art of writing poetry. He detailed his experiences of living in a refugee camp in Karnataka and the influence it has had on his poetry. His experience of being a part of Tibet’s independence movement and the constant efforts to invisibilise the reality of the Chinese occupation of Tibet was discussed. Mr. Tsundue also recited extracts from his poetry collections including “Kora” and “Crossing the Border”, including his famous poem “When it rains in Dharamshala”. A token of appreciation was presented to the speaker by Dr. Preeti Kumar, Head of the Department of English. The session ended at 1.30 pm following a brief question answer segment by the students.

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Published On: February 6th, 2024Categories: English Activities