A one day visit was organized by the department of Botany, St. Teresa’s college, Ernakulam, under the guidance of the teacher in charge, Dr. Arya P. Mohan, to the Biotechnology Laboratory of CUSAT. The visit was scheduled on 15th February 2024. We reported at the institution at 9.30 am. Our visit was scheduled to several labs of the institute including plant biotechnology lab, cancer biology lab, zebra fish culture lab etc.

We were primarily taken to the B.Sc. Biotechnology lab and Dr. Sayuj Koyyappurath along with his research scholars, Ms.Varsha, Ms. Anjana and Mr. Sinoy Johnson explained in detail about the lab and their activities. The labs were well equipped with advanced instruments, fostering a dynamic research environment.

 The session began with an insightful overview of DNA isolation methods, emphasizing the importance of purity in subsequent analysis. We were given a short description about the instruments and a hand demo on plant DNA isolation. Following that, we were instructed on the principles and applications of gel electrophoresis and gel loading technique by Mr. Sinoy Johnson. 

The sessions expired by 1.30 pm and we extended our heartfelt gratitude to Dr. Sayuj Koyyappurath, Ms. Anjana, Ms. Varsha and Mr. Sinoy Johnson for rendering their valuable time with us. The visit not only enriched theoretical knowledge but also provided valuable exposure to the practical aspects of biological studies. The atmosphere reflected a dedication to academic excellence, and the staff demonstrated expertise in guiding students through practical applications of theoretical concepts. The visit to CUSAT’s lab provided insights into the institution’s commitment to fostering a vibrant research and learning environment.

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Published On: February 15th, 2024Categories: Botany Department Activities