MSc. Zoology (Self Financing)
The Higher Education environment is changing rapidly in India and quality in Higher education has been a matter of high concern and priority. M.Sc Zoology programme of our college is designed with Molecular Biology as elective paper, which is offered only in this instituition in Kerala and only a few in India.
Molecular biology is the microlevel study of life. Biotechnology, bioinformatics, genomics, proteomics are indeed highly advanced studies and necessary for progress of mankind. Molecular biology is the key word to all these studies. A molecular approach to life is linked to business and industry and utmost care should be taken to avoid unethical practices causing threat to life. Considering the fact that all competitive exams including UGC-NET, revolve around such modern topics, it was decided to opt for Molecular biology as the elective paper for the PG course.
Theory papers
Semester I
- Biosystematics and Animal Diversity
- Evolutionary Biology and Ethology
- Biochemistry
- Biostatistics, Computer Application and Research Methodology
Semester II
- Ecology: Principles and Practices
- Genetics and Bio Informatics
- Developmental Biology
- Biophysics, Instrumentation and Biological Techniques
Semester III
- Animal Physiology
- Cell Biology
- Microbiology
- Biotechnology
Semester IV
- Molecular Biology
- Molecular Immunology
- Cancer Biology
- Biosystematics and Animal Diversity
- Evolutionary Biology and Ethology
- Biochemistry
- Biostatistics, Computer Application and Research Methodology
- Ecology, Genetics and Bio-Informatics
- Developmental Biology
- Biophysics
- Instrumentation and Biological Techniques.
- Cell and Microbiology
- Animal Physiology and Biotechnology
- Molecular Biology
- Molecular Immunology