Department of Chemistry and Centre for Research under Sr. Bertille Memorial Knowledge Centre conducted an orientation class on net coaching on the topic “START WITH WHY” for M.Sc. Chemistry students on 7th November 2023. The resource persons were Dr. K.Jayakumar (retired principal, Maharaja’s College, Ernakulam) and Dr. P.V.Joseph (associate professor (Retd), Maharaja’s College, Ernakulam, H R Trainer). About 30 students attended the orientation class. The program mainly focused on cracking UGC – NET exam.  Dr. Jayakumar sir gave an insight on the importance of NET exam and other job opportunity after M.Sc. Chemistry. Dr. Joseph sir gave motivation for setting proper goal and achieving larger heights. He also talked about need for acquiring knowledge and skills. He motivated us to set our primary goal as cracking JRF and gave many tips to achieve it. Both the speakers interacted with the participants and cleared all their doubts. The session was fruitful and informative for the participants.


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Published On: January 20th, 2024Categories: Chemistry Activities