The Teresian Instrumentation and Consultancy Center at St. Teresa’s College (Autonomous), Ernakulam, organized a comprehensive one-day workshop on April 19, 2024 for the undergraduate students of the Department of Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics, St. Teresa’s College (Autonomous), Ernakulam. This workshop was designed to provide students with an in-depth understanding of common microbiological methods. The program commenced with an introduction to microbiology, covering various types of microorganisms and the diverse fields within microbiology.

A significant focus was placed on laboratory safety, highlighting essential safety techniques and the importance of maintaining safe practices in the laboratory. The workshop also provided detailed information on common types of laboratory glassware, including their specific uses. Participants were introduced to the working principles and applications of essential microbiological instruments such as the autoclave, laminar air flow (LAF) cabinet, incubator, hot air oven, and colony counter.

The training session included hands-on demonstrations of various culturing techniques in microbiology. Students were guided through the process of serial dilution of samples, followed by pour plating and spread plating methods. The workshop then advanced to more sophisticated techniques such as quadrant streaking, liquid culturing, and lawn culturing. These practical sessions were designed to reinforce the theoretical knowledge gained, providing students with a robust understanding of microbiological techniques and enhancing their analytical and research skills.

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Published On: April 19th, 2024Categories: TICC Activities