Every year November 25 is observed as the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women to demonstrate support for women against the violence they face. In association with this, the Department of Psychology at St. Teresa’s College, (Autonomous) Ernakulam organized an awareness session in collaboration with Raising Our Voices Foundation on November 2nd and 8th, 2023 in the Science Block Seminar Hall. The awareness session was delivered to the UG and PG students of the Department of Psychology. Smt. Sajitha Rasheed, Founder and Chief Mentor at Mind Mojo led the session on Identifying Toxic and Healthy Relationships and Adv. Smruthi Sasidharan, High Court of Kerala led the session on Domestic Violence and Legal Awareness.

The session began with an engaging exploration of toxic and healthy relationships. Students were grouped and assigned specific topics related to toxic relationships for discussion. Each group representative shared their insights which was followed by Smt. Sajitha Rasheed offering valuable guidance on distinguishing harmful relationships and recognizing when to disengage. The session was characterized by a lively atmosphere, with Smt. Sajitha Rasheed incorporating humor to effectively convey the implications of harmful connections.

Adv. Smruthi Sasidharan commenced the session by distributing a sheet of paper containing legal information. Students were prompted to determine whether the information constituted actual laws. This exercise aimed to raise awareness about existing legal protections. Subsequently, Adv. Smruthi Sasidharan delved into the topic of domestic violence, illustrating her points with real-life examples. The session provided valuable insights into various laws related to domestic violence.

Outcome: The program successfully increased awareness among students regarding the identification of toxic and healthy relationships. Furthermore, it enhanced their understanding of legal frameworks surrounding domestic violence. The engaging sessions facilitated an interactive learning experience, contributing to the overall success of the event.

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Published On: November 10th, 2023Categories: Awareness Class, Cochin news, college news, Psychology, Psychology Activities