Being a path setter in the education scenario in Kerala, St. Teresa’s College has a social responsibility to be proactive in the efforts towards the emerging challenges and pressing issues. The role and extent to which an institution is impactful in this realm is a sure reflection of its quality. The Department of Physics launched I-CONNECT – Initiatives for CONservation of Nature and Energy Coordinated by Teresians in 1997 with an objective to build a responsible generation towards the cause of conservation of nature and energy.
- Promote renewable and efficient energy sources to the public conduct awareness rallies and presentations on energy conservation.
- Conduct the URJAKIRAN activities initiated by the Energy Management Centre (EMC), Government of Kerala.
- Energy awareness and Hands-on Training for students, Kudumbasree units, and the public on LED assembling to bring awareness on the use of renewable energy sources and efficient devices, by conducting exhibitions on assembling of the solar-assisted lantern and LED bulb for the public.
- Conduct Add on course for UG students on solar photovoltaic in association with Mitradham the first fully renewable energy center in India
- Encourage students to design solar-assisted self-assembled gadgets
- Hands-on Training on Solar Panel Assembling for the I CONNECT members to get training on assembling and installation of PV Array, determining the effect of Tilt angle and Load on the VI characteristics of the Solar module, determining the suitable PV module for the application, etc.
- Spread the awareness on efficient usage of electricity and means to reduce energy consumption in households.
- Organize field visits and technical sessions envisaging the possible energy-saving strategies and efficient equipment compared to the commonly used electrical equipment
- Conduct lecture programmes on Emerging Trends in renewable energy sources.
- Conduct Energy Audit in the campus periodically with a view to sensitize the significance of efficient energy utilization
Teachers in-charge-
Ms. Mary Vinaya
Dr. Mariyam Thomas