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Bridge Course in “Theory and Problem Solving in Spectroscopy”

The Department of Chemistry and Center for Research is organizing a Bridge course in “Theory and Problem Solving in Spectroscopy”

Pre-requisites: Completion of II Semester of MSc Chemistry

Classes on all Saturdays of January 2020 starting January 4, 2020.

Time 9am-4 pm

Available seats: 50

Registration starts from December 1, 2019. Registration on first come first serve basis.

Registration fee: Rs. 1000/-

For syllabus and details of resource persons, see the brochure at https://teresas.ac.in/bridge-course-for-msc-chemistry-students/

Click on the following link to register.


The Bank details to which the registration amount is to be sent is:


Name: Elizabeth Kuruvilla and Ushamani M

Account No: 6835346775

IFSC Code: IDIB000E007

Name of Bank: Indian Bank

Branch: Ernakulam (272)


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