International Seminar (07.06.19)
“Health Care Systems in India and US: A Comparative Perspective
Resource Person:- Jerin Juby, Adjunct Faculty, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia
“Trauma and the Brain”
Resource Person :- Minu Jerin, MS in Trauma and Community Counselling, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia
21st JUNE 2019
The association inauguration of the department of sociology of the year 2019-20 was held on 21st June 2019. All the executive members of association were elected on 14th June 2019. The activities of the association was inaugurated by chief guest of the day Dr. Sunil Babu , Assistant professor , Department of Sociology , Delhi School of Economics. He was accompanied by Nimil.M.N,Student in MSc. Anthropology in Delhi University. The function was presided over by HOD Ms. Elizabeth Abraham and was co-ordinated by staff advisor of the year Ms. Dora Dominic.
The function started with a prayer song by Ms.AbheeshmaBabu. Master of the Ceremony was Ms.Ciana Catherine. The newly appointed magazine editor Shihana V.M of 3rd DC welcomed the gathering. General Secretary, Krishnaja M Menon read the report about the activities.Ms. Elizabeth Abraham in her presidential address inspired the students to take part in various activities of the association and to utilise the opportunities wisely to take up the spirit of the discipline on their daily lives. Afterwards, Ms.LindaLuiz, assistant professor of the department, introduced the works of Dr. Sunil Babu. In the inaugural address Dr.SunilBabu discussed about how anthropology shapes our thoughts to understand and analyze each element in society, emphasized the uniqueness or culture and importance of subjectivity. He analyzed social issues by giving examples of different movies which creatively presented culture of indigenous society. Followed by him, Nimil spoke about acquiring an anthropological sensitivity and importance of ethnographic studies in Indian context. Following the sessions there was interaction with students and all actively participated in discussions. The vote of thanks was given by Ms. AthiraShekar .
The two hour long program was really an enriching experience for all the students and faculties. They felt privileged to hear someone highly knowledgeable and accomplished in an adjacent discipline. Interactive session with the resource persons was highly inspiring. All the teachers and students of the Sociology department actively participated in the association inauguration followed by fresher’s day in the afternoon.
Fresher’s day was organized by the students of II B.A Sociology. It was an opportunity for effective interaction and students presented their skills and talents. Miss Fresher was crowned from I B.A and M.A and prizes were given to the winners.
4 th JULY , 2019
As the part of Association activities students of III B.A Sociology organized documentary screening on 4th July 2019 at 2.30pm. The Oscar winning documentary titled ‘PERIOD- ENDOF SENTENCE’ was screened. Period-End of Sentence is a 2018 documentary short film directed by RaykaZehtabchi about Indian women leading a quiet sexual revolution. The film stars ArunachalamMuruganantham, Shabana Khan, GouriChoudari, Ajeya, and Anita. The documentary short follows a group of local women in Hapur, India, as they learn how to operate a machine that makes low-cost, biodegradable sanitary pads, which they sell to other women at affordable prices. This not only helps to improve feminine hygiene by providing access to basic products , but also supports and empowers the women to shed the taboos in India surrounding menstruation – all while contributing to the economic future of their community.The documentary is inspired from the life of ArunachalamMuruganantham, a social activist from Tamil Nadu, India.
The gathering was welcomed by MeghaN.Nairof 3rdBASociology. The screening of the movie ended with discussion about the taboos and stigma associated with menstruation in Kerala context. Students actively participated in discussions, PreethySoney and SheetalMadhu of III B.A shared their opinions regarding the documentary. The screening of the documentary was a good experience and it threw light on the issues faced by women from North India. The screening ended with the Vote of Thanks by PreethySoney, III B.A Sociology.
6th JULY 2019
To enhance the need for environmental conservation, tree planting was organized at St. Joseph’s School Kalamassery, on July 6th Saturday.The tree planting was organized in collaboration with BMC of St.Teresa’s College and Justice Brigade an association of advocates which is formed to promote social and environmental welfare. Students of II B.A Sociology and III B.A Sociology actively participated in tree planting and planted 30 fruit bearing saplings in the school campus. A care committee was formed in the school to preserve planted trees. Smt. Dora Dominic, Association staff advisor, co-ordinated and participated in the event.
24th JULY 2019
On 24th July 2019, a Panel Discussion “Kai Korkkam” on Gender and Disaster management was organized by the U.S Consulate General in Chennai and Centre for Public Policy Research in Association with the Department of Sociology and Centre for Research, St. Teresa’s College.
The seminar was headed by Mr. Maulik Berkana, Cultural Affairs Officer, U.S Consulate General, Chennai.The discussion on the topic, ‘Gender and Disaster Management’ was led by Adv. Raaga.R, member, Raising our voices foundation, Ms. Nina Nayar, Project Coordinator, Raising our voices Foundation and Dr. Thara Sebastian, Assistant Professor and HOD, Faculty of Home Science, St.Teresa’s College. The discussions were moderated by Dr. Priya.K.Nair, Assistant Professor, Department of English, St.Teresa’s College.
The panel started out the discussion by appreciating the works of Self Help Groups like Kudumbashree during the Kerala floods. The discussions revolved around the thought that gender shouldn’t restrict anyone from achieving what they desire in their life. The panel discussed how disaster affected both men and women and the financial, psychological and legal aspects behind disaster management. The panel also discussed the necessity of restructuring our existing curriculum into a skill based one, efficient enough to handle the risks of a disaster. They also discussed about the need of breaking our shells into the realities of life. This was later followed by an interactive session where the students were given the chance to ask questions.
“Ten Rupee Revolution”
Fund Collection Drive for Assam
Assam witnessed one of the drastic floods in the monsoon season. It took a toll of over 69 people and 204 animals. More than 20,000 people are rehabilitated in 836 relief camps. This was a call for action for the socially responsible students of our department to stand for Assam.
‘10 Rupee Revolution’ was a fund collection drive organised by Sociology Association for donating it to the Chief Minister’s Flood Relief Fund, Assam. It was a 2-day collection drive from 25/07/19, Thursday and 26/07/19, Friday wherein students can donate minimum of 10 rupees. Collection boxes were kept in front of each blocks and the students of 3rd year, 2nd year and 1st year went to each class of the Arts, Central and Science blocks respectively. Students were made aware of the disaster in Assam through both Online and Offline campaigning. Posters and Flyers were made by the students for the same. The students successfully gathered an amount of Rs. 24,285/- in-spite of many indifferences. The amount was handed over to Sr. Vinitha CSST, Director of College and Dr. Sajimol Augustine, Principal on 1/08/19 by Association Members in the presence of Elizabeth Abraham, HOD Department of Sociology, Ms. Dora Dominic and Ms. Georgia Ann Binoy. The amount was directly deposited to CM’s Relief Fund Assam( SBI- 35969660230) on 2/08/19.
Report On Quiz Competition Held By Sociology Association
A quiz competition on Gandhi’s life and freedom struggle was conducted on 1st of August by 2nd MA Sociology students of the Department of Sociology and Research in which two teams of each class took part. The competition was conducted in three rounds followed by a rapid fire session. The Quiz masters were Kalyani Vidya and Sumi mol. The winners of the competition are;
First Prize
Abhirami K K
} 3rd BA Sociology
Ciana Catherine
Second Prize
Merin Tomy
}1st MA Sociology
Agnes C T
Third Prize
Elizabeth B C
}2nd BA Sociology Roveen Samuel
Interactive session With Prof. Susan Visvanathan
Topic: The Territorialisation Of Water In South India
08 August 2019
The department of Sociology, St. Teresa’s College, Ernakulam organised an interactive session with Susan Visvanathan, Professor at Centre for the study of Social Systems, School of Social Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi on 8th August 2019 at 10.00am. The session was on the topic ‘The Territorialisation Of Water In South India’. The students of Sociology, English and History Departments participated in the session. Susan Visvanathan, Indian Sociologist, Social Anthropologist and a fiction writer, is an author of many books including The Christians Of Kerala and Something Barely Remembered(fiction).
The program was welcomed by Dr. Leela P U, Faculty of Sociology Department, St. Teresa’s College. The program was presided by Dr. Sr. Vineetha CSST, Director of college. The Dr. Sajimol Augustine, Principal addressed the gathering.
Prof. Visvanathan started on how water crisis has became an alarming issue of today and near future. Though people are divided with ethnographic and cultural borders, everyone become equal in their need for survival ie, through their access to water. She commented that the problem cannot be studied in isolation. Industrial pollution and sand mining is normalised. Along with this, Water theft, damaged pipelines and unattended garbage collection points increase the severity of scarcity of potable water. The forest dwellers who are accused to be the consumers of forest products are really the protectors of forest by keeping a healthy balance. She talked on the importance of collecting data in order to oppose or support a major policy change. Substantial data are the core of making changes in society. She also insisted on encouraging organic farming as its an effective measure to overcome the plight of water scarcity. She also remarked how profit motived government policies are paid off with degradation of nature and its resources, the local people being the victims of its effected.
The talk was followed by questions from audience. Ms. Elizabeth Abraham, HOD Department of Sociology proposed Vote Of Thanks. Around 180 students participated in the same.
AARAVAM 2019: Onam Celebration of Department of Sociology
An Onam celebration was conducted by the Sociology Association of St.Teresas College, Ernakulam on 6th September 2019.The programme took place at the Mirror Room around 10 am. It was attended by the studentsand teachers of the Sociology Department. An ‘Onapookalam’ was also set up by the studentsof the Sociology Department.The celebration started off with a Thiruvathira Kali by the students of ll B.A Sociology. This wasfollowed by an ‘Onapattu’ by the students of l B.A Sociology and a group song by the studentsof lll B.A Sociology.Several games like musical chairs, lemon and spoon race etc. were also conducted for the U.Gand P.G students of the department. The students enthusiastically participated in all the games.Later on, Payasam was served to all the students and faculty.
Rotract formation September 4th at 2 30 pm
The rotract club of Ernakulam-Milan conducted an orientation session on September 4th at 2 30 pm in arts block auditorium. The bcom and sociology departments jointly coordinated the program. 50 students from both departments participated in that program. Rotarian Chitra Ashok, past president of rotary cochin milan coordinated the program along with the president Rotarian khadija Sali and youth service chair rotarian Lakshmi Menon.
Rtn. Balagopal was the speaker.Supriya of 3rd dc sociology give away the welcome speech. Rtn. Balagopal gave an overall picture of rotract. Rotaract originally began as a Rotary International youth program in 1968 at Charlotte North Rotary Club in Charlotte, North Carolina, United States, and has grown into a major Rotary-sponsored organization of over 10,904 clubs spread around the world and 250,792 members in 184 countries. It is a service, leadership, professional and community service organization (often miscommunicated as a Social Service Club) for young men and women between the ages 18–30 (membership will end upon reaching 31 years of age).He shared his experiences as a Rotarian. After his class there was an interactive session with students.
After the session , we decided to start a rotract club in our college. The program concluded at 3 30 pm. Neha ms of 3rd dc give away the vote of thanks.
Swachhata Hi Seva 2019-Plastic Waste Free Campaign
The BhoomithraSena Club of St. Teresa’s College inaugurated a ‘Swachhta Hi Seva 2019 Plastic Waste Free Campaignon the 16th of September at 1:30 pm in the Arts Auditorium, which is an initiative of Central Government for creating awareness and mobilization campaign on Swachhata with special focus on ‘plastic waste awareness and management’. The programme started with Welcome address by Ms. Devika S. Nair, Student Co-ordinator of BhoomithraSena Club. Rev.Dr.Sr.Vinitha, The Director of the College, presided over the function encouraged students to be the agents of the Plastic Free Campaign. The chief guest of the function was Shri. S. Suhas IAS, the District Collector of Ernakulam. He inaugurated the function and in his message appreciated the green initiatives taken by St. Teresa’s. The District Collector also offered support of the district administration in this venture. Shri. P.S. Shine, the director of Shuchitwa Mission, appreciated the eco-friendly steps undertaken by the Teresians and he shared his ideas regarding the same. The function ended at 2.30pm with the Vote of thanks of Ms Sheena Elizabeth Varghese.
Panel Discussion
Genders: Explorative Discourses and Reflections.
Department of Sociology and Department of English jointly organised a Panel discussion on
‘The Politics of Body’ on 26/09/2019, Thursday at 10.30am in Arts Block Auditorium. The panel included Vijayarajamallika, Transgender Poet and Social worker; Prijith P R, Founder and President of Queerythm; Dr. S Girishkumar, Asst. Professor, Department of Malayalam, Sree Keralavarma College. The discussion was moderated by Dr. Priya K Nair, Assistant Professor, Department of English, St. Teresa’s College. In her opening remarks Dr. Priya K Nair underlined the importance of addressing the politics of multiple sexuality and gender identities in the campus to bring radical change in the conventional heteronormative society.
Dr. S Girishkumar
Initiating the discussion Girishkumar congratulated St. Teresa’s College for opening a platform for gender discussion. According to him, gender is a mental construct- a part of unconscious psych. This unconscious is formed by social and cultural realities, thus it becomes a political subject. He then talked about his book ‘ Alingam’ which portrays the gender as a performative role through a performer. The protagonist is Ochira Velukutty, who started first professional drama troop in Kerala, becomes the victim of the curiosity of public when he is not conformed to a stereotypical gender image. More than gender, the novel also discuss the politics of caste which sweep into the unconscious realm of Indian life. This novel was set in the era of modernism, from 1904 to 1954.
Prijith P R
He thanked the college for inviting the LGBTIQ community including himself to this college for wider academic discussion. Gender is not identified at birth nor its a choice. People continue to live as trans genders in spite of all the indifference they face is only because its not their choice. Gender is identified by an individual in course of his life- from birth to death. So, some finds it difficult to understand their gender and remains gender- non nonconforming. The society is set up in a binary form which is encouraged and penetrated to all our institutions and media where non- binary is not addressed even in a queue or in an application form. All except binary is called ‘otherness’ which is considered unnatural and different. We ascribe gender from birth but never gives space for the child to identify their gender themselves.
Trans genders and homosexuals become visible from past 10 years. LGBTIQ community reflects the same issues of mainstream society- it can be caste, religion or class. They are not exempted from the racism or casteism.
She is the first transgender poet in Malayalam. She identified herself as intersex at the age of 32 while undergoing treatment for hypersexuality. Intersex individuals faces many life threatening challenges from doing unhealthy treatments and genital corrections. Parents correct their child’s sexual organ on prospect of confirming to binary without understanding their true gender identity. The movies and literature here fails to identify this gender diversity. Woman never articulate about their sex organs or sexual feelings which led to vulgarizing these sexual parts in Malayalam and they never explore themselves. She termed this practices of thinking in binary as ‘hetero normal fascism’ which either makes homosexuals invisible or mock at them. The doctors and the medical institution have no provision or knowledge in treating the transgender issues or even nymphomaniac. She underwent testosterone treatment from childhood until coming out as a transgender which resulted in numerous health issues from diabetics to kidney failure. She also talked about ‘Corrective Rape’ prevailing in Kerala to ‘cure’ women from being lesbian or becoming transmen.
The panel discussion was followed by a question and answer session from students and teachers. The session was concluded by Vijayarajamallika reciting her 3 poems on request from the audience. Aishwarya of 3rd English Literature welcomed the gathering and Anantha from 3rd English proposed the vote of Thanks.
Centre for Public Policy Research in collaboration with the Heidelberg University of Germany conducted a workshop on the theme of the sustainable development of smart cities. It was held on 20th September, 2019 at Marriott Hotel, Kochi. The event was attended by Shihana VM, Meghna N Nair, Krishnaja M Menon and PreethySoney of third year degree class and Aparna G of the second year PG class. Eminent personalities like Dr M Ramachandran and Dr Rumi Ajaz were in attendance. Discussions were held on the topics Smart Governance, Built Environment, Mobility and Natural Resource Management. The sessions were rather fruitful with special emphasis being given on the smart city development in the context of Kochi.
Report on World Bamboo Day Celebrations
On September 18 , 2019 the Department of Sociology of St. Teresa’s college celebrated World bamboo day along with Rotary club of Kochin uptown and International bamboo festival of Western Ghats. The inauguration of the program held at Kochi Metro Muttom depot yard at 10 am. Students of sociology department planted bamboo trees at yard. After that there was an awareness class on bamboo planting at St. Teresa’s college auditorium at 1pm. There was also a bamboo symphony organised by Krishna Packanar. The program ended by 6pm.
Report of Awareness Class On Suicide Prevention
27/09/2019 Friday
The sociology association conducted a suicide prevention class on 27th October 2019 at the Arts Block Auditorium from 2.00 to 3.15 pm as part of observing World Suicide Prevention Month. Abhirami of 2nd BA Sociology welcomed the gathering. The session was started with introductory remarks by Adv. Rajesh R Pillai, Former Director Of Maithri and President of Befrienders India. He talked about how suicide still remains unaddressed in college campuses where it is considered a taboo. He congratulated the department for opening space for talking and discussing about suicide. Adv. Litto Palathinkal began his session by citing various anecdotes of suicides and its hidden reasons. As former director of Maithiri, he talked on how seemingly trifle reasons can lead to life ending decisions. Suicide is a cry for help- where people are asking for ears to listen to them without judgements. This practise of listening to suicide prone individuals are helping hands for them to return to daily life routines. He urged the youth to spend time for their loved ones to hear them, understand them and give affirmations that we love them. This simple act of consideration has a wider impact on the total mental health of people around us. Suicide is not an act on impulse of a second, rather people plan or start to think about it long before the actual execution. Adv. Litto stressed on observing and understanding this volatile situations of our near ones to avoid them from taking the path of self destruction. Adv. Rajesh R Pillai and Adv. Litto Palathungal are suicide prevention activists for past 25 years.
Inauguration Of Film Forum
Ship Of Theseus
Revelations through reel
4 October 2019
The film forum of Sociology Association ‘Ship Of Theseus’ was inaugurated by P. R Arun, Director and Script Writer on October 4th 2019 at 1.15 pm in the Audio-Visual Room near Sociology Department. The forum ‘ Ship Of Theseus’ was a result of joint effort and interest by many movie enthusiasts of our department which was later taken as the collective aspiration of our association. The forum aims at providing an open platform for screening and discussing world movies- movies which addresses social issues and politics. Movies reinvent the new social standards and general trends in the current socio-political scenario. Thus it becomes the need of the hour to discuss movie in order to bring out changes in the thought process of students. This idea flared the concept of a film forum open for the whole college, once in two weeks on Fridays at 2.15pm in the Audio- Visual Room.
Ship Of Theseus is a Greek philosophical puzzle put forward by Plutarch. Indian Film Maker Anand Gandhi’s National Award Winning movie ‘Ship Of Theseus’(2013) absorbs this very ideology by spectacularly picturising life of 3 different people. This magnificent philosophy and beautiful film inspired the association to name its film forum the same.
The programme was welcomed by Association Executive, Mary Sony. Head Of The Department Ms. Elizabeth Abraham delivered the presidential address. Sociology Association Secretary, Krishnaja briefed about the motif behind the club, the name selection and its upcoming activities. P R Arun who made his debut into Malayalam movie industry recently through his movie ‘Finals’ inaugurated the forum. He delivered his insightful inaugural address on the politics of movie. He asked the room full of women to understand the political incorrectness promoted by movies and to bring about a radical paradigm shift. He rebuked on some popular movies citing their major fallacies regarding gender, class and caste. The unrealistic portrayals by many well acclaimed film makers were criticized. He appreciated the effort of starting a forum inside campus. He was also strongly impressed by the name of the forum as it conveys a wider and deeper meaning. His speech was an eye opener for anyone seeking the inner dynamics of Indian Filmography. The function was concluded with Vote Of Thanks by Arunima Ajay of 2nd BA Sociology.
The official function was followed by Screening of movie ‘Pariyerum Perumal’ – a 2018 Tamil film directed by Mari Selvaraj. It is one of the finest, genuine and intense movie which addresses the harsh realities of caste system in our society. The movie effectively portrays the inequalities of oppressed people and the suppression they continue to face from authorities. Without any Megastar casting, hero build ups, lengthy dialogues, blame games, revenge taking, the movie is portrayed in a subtle way, carefully balanced from all aspects. The screening was ended by 5.15pm. The ship of Theseus has began his journey with movies and deliberations beyond the superficial aspects of stardom and unrealistic portrayals
22/11/19- 24/11/19
22 Students from P.G and U.G of the department participated and presented papers in the National Conference organized by Kerala Sociological Society at CMS College Kottayam held from 22-24 November 2014.
Students presented a skit titled ‘ BhoomiyudeKolapathakam’ at the Cultural event held during KSS. Aparna G of II M.A Sociology presented paper titled A Case Study of SanthuvanamEnviornmental protest at the conference. DrSajithaKurup, Smt. Elizabeth Abraham and Miss Emmily Pinky chaired various sessions. Dora Dominic and Linda Therese attended public meeting of executive members.
Suicide is a global phenomenon and occurs throughout the life span. Close to 8 lakh people die due to suicide every year which is one person every 40 seconds, according WHO. Students mainly girls are the victims of this social phenomena. Effective and evidence-based interventions can be implemented at population and individual levels to prevent suicide and suicide attempts. As a part of this, an initiative was taken by the department of sociology of St. Teresa’s college in association with anti-human trafficking club, kochi organising a talk on ‘Suicide is Not a Solution: How to Face the Challenges as a Victim?’. It was conducted on 28 November 2019, Thursday in the seminar hall, St. Teresa’s college.
Smt. Elizabeth Abraham, HOD of the department welcomed the gathering highlighting the need for developing Emotional Quotient among the students. Inaugurating the function Smt. Saleena Viji Nair, secretary of District Legal service authority Ernakulam answered the most relevant in the context that, who are the victims? A power point presentation on ‘Exploitation and Multiple Solutions’ on suicide was presented to the students by Akhil Soman, Member of AHTC. He introduced the rainbow of exploitations humans faces that ultimately becomes the reason for most suicides. Mr. Muhammad Ashraf, representative of Anti-Human Trafficking Wing, Kerala Police, shared experiences of his career filled with the fearful incidents of human trafficking. He also gave awareness about various measures and possibilities of legal protection, regarding human trafficking. The gathering was acquainted with meaning, dimensions, prospects and every detail of the POCSO act by the VT George, Assistant Commissioner of Police.
The programme a motivating and encouraged the students to seek expert help in case of any instance of suicide in or around gave a great insight that suicide is not an individual problem but a societal one.
30/11/2019, Saturday
Panel Discussion and Documentry Screening on ‘Break the Silence on Domestic Violence’
Orange the world is a 16 days of activism against gender-based violence campaign across the world observed from 25th November, the International day for the Elimination of Violence against Women and 10th Dec, Human Rights Day. This year UNESCO marks this through a series of events under the overall theme: “UNESCO says No to violence against women.”Break the Silence on Domestic Violence is one such event organised by Raise Our Voice Foundation at Kerala Museum on 30th November. ROV is a volunteered organisation working for maintaining gender equity and to address violence based on gender. They try to spread awareness on the topic and to sensitise this on society. This program comprised of the screening of the documentary: Notes on Marital Violence directed by Bindu Nair followed by a panel discussion on ‘Combating Violence in our Families’ with S.Sreejith IPS, Inspector General, Crime Branch, Kerala Police, Dr.Neena Joseph, Retd. Professor, Institute of Management of Government and Bindu Nair.
The documentary, ‘Notes on Marital Violence’ by Bindu Nair is the portrayal of the instances of domestic violence suffered by women around her through the lives of her mother, herself, her friends and servants. The narrative is divided into six parts, depicting the continued cycles of violence. Interviews of lawyer, police officials, social workers, women activists etc. too are captured with their vision on increased violence.26 Students from Sociology Department has participated in the programme.
02/12/2019- 06/12/2019
International Seminar on ‘Forced Migrants, Refugees, Welfare Policies And the State’
Sumimol M S Of 2nd MA Sociology has presented a paper titled ‘AGONIES OF THE VOICELESS: A SOCIOLOGICAL ANALYSIS OF DEVELOPMENT INDUCED DISPLACEMENT AND MIGRATION WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO THE VALLARPADAM ICTT AND VEMBANAD RAIL BRIDGE PROJECTS’ in the International seminar on ‘Forced Migrants, Refugees, Welfare Policies And the State’ organised by Department of Sociology, University of Kerala on 2nd to 6th December at Senate Chamber, University of Kerala.
26/12/19- 29/12/19
Indian Sociological Society Conference
The All India Sociological Society Conference was held at Karyavattom Campus, Kerala University from 26th December to 29th December. 7 students from the Department has participated while 3 including a faculty has presented paper on the Conference. Aparna Giridhar has presented a paper on ‘A Sociological Analysis of Serpentine Worshipping Patterns in Kerala.’ Sumimol M S has presented two papers titled- ‘Suffocating lives: A Sociological study of the development induced Backwater pollution in Kochi’ and ‘THE RED REVOLUTION: A Sociological Analysis of theChanging Phase of Social Movements With SpecialReference to Arpo Arthavam and Happy to Bleed
Speech Competition and Essay writing Competition
A Speech Competition was held for the students of the Department on the topic “Police Encounter and Issues’ An Essay writing competition was also held on the topic “Citizenship Ammendment Act and Indian Democracy. Ms. Sheerin Sherif and Dr.Leela P.U judged the competition. Ms.Sheethal Madhu was selected as the best speaker.
29/01/2020, Wednesday
Discussion on ‘Does local self government really need party politics?’
Save Kerala Movement has initiated a discussion on above topic at BTH Hall, Ernakulam at 4.30pm on 29th January 2020. P C Cyriac, Rtd IAS Officer and Prof. M. N Karassery guided the discussion. 12 students from 3rd BA Sociology has participated in the same engaging in active conversation about party politics. The opportunity has helped students to get a wider understanding on legislature of local self governments.
29/01/2020, Wednesday
Discussion on ‘Does local self government really need party politics?’
Save Kerala Movement has initiated a discussion on above topic at BTH Hall, Ernakulam at 4.30pm on 29th January 2020. P C Cyriac, Rtd IAS Officer and Prof. M. N Karassery guided the discussion. 12 students from 3rd BA Sociology has participated in the same engaging in active conversation about party politics. The opportunity has helped students to get a wider understanding on legislature of local self governments.
Farewell 2020
Speech Competition and Essay writing Competition