Sl. no. Facility Rate  Application form 
Students of  St. Teresa’s College (Internal) Students of other institutions (External)
1 Antibacterial analysis of 3 samples against one bacteria (one plate) Students – 700

Research Scholars – 750

2 UG Project in Microbiology 4000 5000
3 PG Project in Microbiology 9000 10000
4 PG project in Microbiology and Molecular Biology 14500 + sequencing 15000 + sequencing
5 Hands on training for a one person in Microbiology -5 days 2000 3000
6 Hands on training for a Group of 10 students  in Microbiology – 5 days 500/head 800/head
7 Hands on training for a one person in Molecular Biology – 5 days 2500 3000
8 Hands on training for a Group of 10 students  in Molecular Biology – 5 days 2000/head 2500/head
9 Hand on training in Microbiology and Molecular Biology – Combo (Group) 2250/head 3000/head
10 Identification of unknown bacteria (DNA isolation, Agarose gel electrophoresis & PCR amplification) 2500 + Sequencing 3000 + sequencing
11 Other services in Microbiology and Molecular Biology Customizable according to the terms and  conditions of TICC (** additional charges apply)
12 Extraction of 1 sample with 1 solvent (Soxhlet extraction) Students – 450

Research scholars – 500

13 Extraction of  1 sample with Successive solvents – Petroleum ether, Chloroform, Acetone, ethyl acetate, Ethanol, methanol, water (Soxhlet extraction)

Note –  Ethanol and methanol for the extraction should be  provided by the concerned student

Any 4 solvents


Any 4 solvents


14 Phytochemical screening – 1 Screening 90 100
15 Phytochemical screening (15 screening) – Combo 1200 1300
16 PG Project in Phytochemistry and Microbiology 14000 15000
17 Shimadzu Fluorescence Spectrophotometer RF 6000 

  • Photoluminescence characterization facility
  • The analysis can be performed for both powder and liquid samples.
  • Excitation and Emission spectra can be recorded in UV Vis range.
Students : Rs. 100 per five spectra

Research scholars without JRF: Rs. 200 per five spectra

Research scholars with JRF: Rs. 300 per five spectra

Rs. 400 per five spectra SPECTRO FLUOROPHOTOMETER
18 Cooling centrifuge

  • Ependorf make
  • Model 5804R with Rotor F-34-6-38
  • Speed range – 200-11000 rpm
  • Temperature range – -9 degree C. to 40 degree C.
  • Maximum load – 15 ml and 25 ml (*6)


(For a maximum period of ½ hour)


(For a maximum period of ½ hour)

19 PCR Thermocycler 

  • Veriti make
  • 96 well thermocycler
1000/sample 1500/sample PCR & GEL DOC
20 Gel documentation and analysis  system 

  • Syngene make
  • Model ingenius 3
  • High performance 3m pixel camera
21 Analytical  Balance 

  • Model – ATY224R Shimadzu
  • Accuracy 0.0001gm (0.1 mg)
  • Capacity 220 g
22 Others  Rate chart for common instruments COMMON INSTRUMENTS


  • Rate Structure: The pricing for each service is standardized for both St. Teresa’s College students and students from other institutions.
  • Sample Submission: Samples can be conveniently deposited either by visiting the TICC center in person or by sending them to the following address:
    Teresian Instrumentation and Consultancy Center, St. Teresa’s College (Autonomous), Science Block, TD Road, Ernakulam, Pin – 682011
  • Payment Options: Payment for the services can be made through either cash or online transactions. Please find the detailed rates for each service in the attached table.
  • Online Payment Process: For those opting for online payment, kindly ensure that a Receipt for Online Payment is attached along with the completed application form. 
  • Submissions can be sent to the following email address:
    Email: [email protected] 
  • For Inquiries and Assistance, Contact Us at 7592015322