In course of the 75th anniversary celebrations of the department of mathematics and statistics the second section of alumni lecture series was held on 17th august 2022 at 10:30am.The welcome address was given by Vinitha vasudevan of 2nd PG statistics. The lecture was provided by Miss. Joeann Anto, alumna of STC 2017-2020 ,currently pursuing masters in data science. Her accumulated knowledge and experience in the field of data science were conveyed. Being a data science intern Joeann did share about her working environment and the challenges she went through as a fresher in the field. Further she addressed the skills to be mastered and did also suggest few sources to boost them. Students then clarified doubts in reference to their projects and its real time prospects. The lecture ended with the thank you note given by Aisha Shaji of 2nd PG statistics.