As a part of world Food Day Celebrations, Department of Food Processing Technology in association with NETPROFAN (KochiChapter) and Nutrition Society of India (KochiChapter) Organized an International Webinar on 16th October 2020 in the G-Meet platform.

The first session was on “Role of Food Processing Technology in Food Security” and the chief resource person for the session was Dr.Yakindra Prasad Timilsena, Food Safety,Quality and Regulatory consultant,Melbourne,Australia. The resource person explained the challenges, solutions and possibilities of novel food   processing technologies in ensuring food and nutrition security. Participants raised questions on the causes of food insecurity in India and also about the recent trends that can be adopted to eradicate the same.

The III edition of department newsletter “Essenza” was also released prior the session. The second session was on “Recent Trends in Diet and Diabetes”, Ms.D.V.Aneeta, consultant Dietitian, Madhumeha  HealthCare, Banglore. The resource person clearly stated the prevalence, etiology and  dietary modifications that can be done to prevent the onset of Diabetes mellitus.  The beneficiaries of the programme were students, research scholars ,academicians, scientist and Industrialists from various institutions and industries from various parts of World.


Sherin Mary Simon

Published by
Sherin Mary Simon

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