Food Processing Technology

CHOCODREAMS – World Chocolate Day Celebration July 7

The Department of Food Processing Technology, St.Teresa’s College, Ernakulam organized a competition titled ‘Chocodreams-An Innovative Recipe Contest’. The Competition was aimed to provide a platform for the young contestants to showcase their culinary skills. It was conducted as a part of world chocolate day celebrated on July 7.

The Chocodreams competition was open to the public and entries flowed in. The winners who bagged the prizes are Parinitha Nanda. Student of Padmashree Institute of Management and Sciences who attained the first position by beautifully crafting out a Chocolate Mousse. Which was looked absolutely delicious followed by Anula Menon, a Student of St. Teresa’s College, Ernakulam, who won the second position by preparing a quick yet lip-smacking Chocolate popcorn. That was also looked too good to be true. Both of them exhibited their desserts beautifully with flair.

Sherin Mary Simon

Published by
Sherin Mary Simon

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