” If You Talk About It, It’s a Dream ;If You Envision It, It’s Possible

But If You Schedule It, It’s Real

-Tony Robbins



In association with National Child Development Council (NCDC), a workshop on Personality and Career Development for Women was conducted on the 17th of September 2019. The students from the Department of Fashion Designing and Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics were a part of various sessions which comprised of theory as well as practical based classes. The workshop was headed by Mr. Baba Alexander, the founder of “One World: One Language Movement- A Global Country Movement”. Later Mrs. Bindu S took over the afternoon session where she empowered the students with her words of motivation and importance of vocabulary. The workshop was aimed at improving the self-confidence and self-esteem in women.


Krishnapriya Warrier

Assistant Professor Department Of Fashion designing

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