
Women Writing Women

Edited and compiled the book Women Writing Women by

Dr. Priya K Nair & Dr.Jisha John

Department of English and Centre for Research, 


Women Writing Women is a collection of short stories in translation unified by their common focus on writing by and about women. Edited and compiled by Dr. Priya K. Nair and Dr. Jisha John – both faculty of the department of English, the book owes a great deal to the enthusiasm and research skills of ten alumni of the college who undertook the challenge of translating critically acclaimed Malayalam short stories into English with utmost dedication. The editorial preface to the stories evaluates the theoretical aspects of women’s writing as well as women’s representation in literature and connects the trajectory of women’s tradition to the scope and method of feminist literary criticism. The translator’s note which traverses the intersection between gender, language and translation is an innovative creative practice which outlines the experiences of the translators, their reasons behind choosing the texts and the ways in which these aspects have influenced the translation process. The book is a critical step towards rediscovering and reintroducing female voices, which have been long suppressed in women’s literature.

Harsha Prince

Published by
Harsha Prince

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