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Two week online Course organised by Dr. Dhanya. N, Department of Home Science

Ms. Rathi Gopinath Introduced the topic of Learning Disabilites to us on the first day of the workshop. She explained in detail about Learning Disability and gave the participants a task to draw from memory a picture, and making us understand that it is difficult for us to do some things some times. And it is just the same way with the children with learnimg difficulty, they may take some time to learn to do things. Ms. Rathi also introduced us to Brain gym, which could be useful for children to improve learning ability, memory and attention. She also demonstrated the different exercises through videos and made us understand how it activates the brain.

On Day 2 of the Workshop, Ms. Rathi focused on the topic – Informal Assessment. She took us through the different aspects to Assessment as to What is assessment, who to assess, when to assess Etc. Ms. Rathi gave the participants an activity to find out which side of our brain is dominant. Ms. Rathi explained in great detail the different tools for Informal Assessment Like CHALL’S LIST, PHONEMIC AWARENESS, SCHONELL’S, AUDITORY SEQUENTIAL MEMORY (DIGIT SPAN), MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCE, LEARNING STYLE INVENTORY etc. She also talked about Formal Assesment – What is Formal Assesment,When to do Formal assessment, How different it is from Informal assessment and who can do Formal Assessments.

Assessment – What in Your Understanding is more important – Formal or Informal assessment              , for a child with learning Disabilities

Write an Activity to improve Short term memory.


On Day 3 of the workshop, Ms. Rathi Dealt with the topic Structural Cognitive Modifiability. Rathi Ma’am began the workshop with talking about Learning and explained in detail the Information Processing model and explaining how a mediator could effect in the processing of information. She then talked about the three components of Structural Cognitive modifiability – namely Cognitive Map, Cognitive Functions and the Mediated learning experience. She talked about the Mediated learning experience, giving focus to the three criteria – Intentionality and Reciprocity, Meaning and Transcendence. Later, Rathi Ma’am explained with examples the process of Mediation and gave us small activity too. Rathi ma’am gave us tips on how to mediate and then talked about the ICELP program for SCM (IE)

Assessment – Do the Organization of Dots activity and analyze your cognitive functions in all three stages- input, process and output and find out your strengths and weaknesses.

On Day 4 of the workshop, Rathi ma’am handled the topic- Learning to Read. She taught us from the basic thing to start for a child – Alphabetic phonic rules which consists of Sound Symbol correspondence , Multi Sensory presentation and Syllable Projection in great detail. Rathi Ma’am explained on how to teach Phonics  – Consonant Digraphs, Consonant Blends, Silent letter Combinations and the Basic spelling rules. She also involved us actively in coming up with word examples.

Assessment – Is Learning sound letter association and spelling rules important for children with Learning Difficulty?

On Day 5, Rathi Ma’am took the session on Tackling the spellings. She dealt with a few more spelling rules. She took us through the Multiple spellings of the long vowel sounds of /a/, /e/, /i/, /o/, /u/, /ü/ . We were actively participating in giving words that give the particular sound. Ms. Rathi also taught us about the different syllables and gave an activity to find out the types of syllables in a word.


Assessment – Enlist a game that can be used to teach children different vowel combination and

On Day 6 of the workshop, Ms. Rathi explained on the learning difficulties associated with Math. Rathi MA’am explained in great detail the self regulatory executive functions, MLD profie and various factors that concern learning math. Then she moved on to explain the 3 critical components in Math Intervention – WHO, HOW and WHAT. She also explained the three types of Math DisabilityVerbal Dycalculia (which is concerned with language used), Procedural Dyscalculia (concerned with recalling) and Semantic Dyscalculia (concerned with understanding the meaning) along with the measures for intervention . She then elucidated the Rx Math program by NILD consisting of many activities by which learning maths can turn easy and understandable which then formed the crux of the day.

On Day 7, Rathi Ma’am focused on Developing WRITING. She spoke along the topics of the stages of learning to write – Pre Writing (consisting of lines – straight, slanted, curved and zigzag and Colouring), Alphabet Writing (Capital and Small letters), Word Writing, Phrase writing, Sentence writing, Paragraph writing and finally Essay/Thesis Writing , Fundamentals in sentence writing strategy by Kansas University consisting of many worksheets that can actually be good for improving sentence formation among children with learning disability and guides us through the sequence of teaching. The worksheets are of different levels and have different score keys according to each set of questions.

Assessment – Write a short paragraph on ‘Your Favourite Meal’. Make sure to use SV, SSV, SVV and SSVV sentences.

The topic for Day 8 was PROFICIENCY IN SWS. Rathi ma’am started the session with explaining the Instructional procedures. Rathi ma’am then explained Types of Sentences – Simple, Compound, Complex and Compound Complex structures. Through the session, we actively participated in the session by practicing the sentence formation and learning by participation. Paragraph writing strategy was discussed next, giving focus to each of the parts in detail and to writing the model diagram for the paragraph.

Assessment – Write sentences of your own with the given formulae.
I,cI (nor)               I,cI(yet / but)     I,cI (for / so)       I,cI(or)  I:I
D,I                          ID                                            I,cID                                       D,I;I                        I;ID

On the Day 9 of the SLD Workshop, the topic that was dealt with was STUDY SKILLS. The different study skills discussed were SKIMMING and SCANNING, MIND MAP, FRAMING TROUTINE, NOTE TAKING, FIRST LETTER MNEMONICS, SELF QUESTIONING, PARAPHRASING. All the study skills were elucidated with activity for us, making the topics clear. In addition to the study skills, Rathi Ma’am also mentioned about the Digital health Hygiene (A-G) tips that can be practiced in the modern times owing to the digital learning.

A- Adjust 30-40 inches away from TV. B- Blink frequently- 15-20 times per min to allow eyes to be moist. C- Change habits- Take break from screen. D- Drink 10-15 glasses of water for hydration.           E- Exercise regularly. F- Food/Fun/ Family – No gadgets during family time. G- Glasses if essential

Assessment – Make a mind map for a lesson of your choice.

On the final day of the workshop, Ms. Rathi spoke about the different parenting styles and tips on how to do better parenting. Ms. Rathi described about the four different parenting styles- Authoritarian, Permissive, Neglecting and Authoritative and enabled us to see in a broad light how they can improve to be better at parenting and taking care of the child. She then elucidated about the holistic development of the child and how as parents, one could effect positive changes. She shared simple parenting ideas that could do wonders to us. Rathi ma’am also explained about the ABC analysis for Behavior management for when kids act out. They are – Antecedent events, Behaviour and Consequences. She made us understand that children need to be understood, and their behaviour should be tackled with, not them.

Dhanya N

Assistant Professor, Department of Home Science

Published by
Dhanya N

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