French Department Activities

The Department of French celebrates ‘International friendship day’

« On ne connaît personne sinon par l’amitié. » – Saint Augustin

“If not for friendship, we shall not truly understand anyone.”

What else to celebrate if not friendship, the universal bond that renders beauty to every relationship? Sweet, salty, bitter, or sour, you make the best of life’s experiences when you open up your minds to those closest and allow yourself to be vulnerable.

On the 30th of July 2021, when the world celebrated international friendship day, the students of the Department of French got an opportunity to make their buddies feel special by creating artworks demonstrating their unique bond.

The students took up the challenge and skillfully created entries that demonstrate their love for each other on this friendship day. The best among them were designed by Ms.Suryagayatri M. R. (II B.A. French) and Ms. Savitha Unnikrishnan (III B.A. French).

Vive l’amitié !

Bhavya Raju

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