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Kerala Literature Fest 2019

Kerala Literature Fest 2019, Calicut,            January 10 to 13

The II PG students along with Dr. Latha Nair R. and Dr. Priya K. Nair attended the Kerala Literature Fest 2019 that took place in Calicut from January 10 -13, 2019. Dr.Latha Nair led an interactive session with the renowned writer Anita Nair on her new book, Eating Wasps. Dr. Priya K. Nair’s translation of T.D Ramakrishnan’s famous novel, Sugandhi Alias Aandaal Devanayagi is one of the best-selling translations of this year and it was highly appreciated by the writers assembled at KLF 2019. Dr. Priya K Nair had three interactive sessions in the literary fest with leading writers Ravinder Singh, Ravi Subramaniam and Preeti Shenoy.

Importance of Literature Fest

Literature festivals are the perfect place to manifest for book lover’s. Completely berserk and Drool over books. Dream about books. So skip for food and stay night with book. So no one to pester or hanker behind you, it’s book paradise and achievement.

Book is an important role in our life. The books are our best companions. Because Books are our friends in a real sense. They demand nothing from us. They give us knowledge of joy. We also learn to ideas from them.Because take us into different world of imagination and books consists of long written work. It may be published form either in physical form or in digital form.

About Kerala Literature Fest

Kerala Literature Fest is the one of biggest cultural program in the country. Because the Kerala Literature Fest offers for just about every age and interest, bringing readers and writers together for inspiration, entertainment and discussion. So every Year, Festival live an array of the best artists, actors, celebrities, writers, thinkers, and activists closer to people by engaging in meaningful discussions on literature, art, cinema, culture, dance, music, environment, science, and technology.



Tania Vivera

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