Induction to First year BCA by faculties of BCA(Cloud Technology & Information Security Management)

An Induction programme was conducted by the faculties of BCA(Cloud Technology & Information Security Management) for the first year BCA batch. The program was conducted from September 17th to 23rd on a 4 Day Schedule. Day 1 commenced with a session by the Introduction to the Department of Computer Apllications which was headed by Mrs. Raji S Pillai, Head of the Department, Computer Applications. It was followed by the session “Bridging to the course” by BCA(CT & ISM) Co-Ordinator, Mrs. Archana Menon P. The Day2 was more colourful as the First Years got an opportunity to meet their seniors virtually through the Session ” Ice Breaking & Catch up with Teresians” which was Directed by Mrs. Mekha Jose. Day 3, was packed with 3 sessions of Cloud Computing. Session 1 ” Introduction to Cloud Computing” by Mrs. Mekha Jose, Session 2 “Cloud Computing & it’s types” by Mrs. Archana Menon P and Session 3 ” Cloud Computing & it’s Future Scope” by Mrs. Veena Antony. The Final Day, Day4 gave the students an overall idea regarding the Cyber World through the sessions ” A stepping Stone to Cyber Security” by Ms. Neha Raju K, “Career+ Opportunities in Cyber Security” by Mrs. Roopa Raphael, and “Security: Past, Today & Future” by Ms. Mahima Mary Mathews, PhD student at IIIT Kottayam who is also Asst. Professor at Cochin University of Science & Technology.

Roopa Raphael

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