
Google classroom for Students from Tribal Areas

The students created a Google classroom for teaching Semester 3 common course English paper (Literature and/as identity) for the tribal students. Ms. Nandita M S and Ms. Sneha P S headed the team. The Google classroom was created by sending invites to 16 students from various colleges in MG university on 23 October 2020. 

Study materials for the text consisting of 16 lessons (5 modules) were created and uploaded. Materials include:

1) Text

2) Introduction & Background of the Work

3) About the Author

4) Summary or Photo Story

4) Malayalam Translation of the work

5) Questionnaire with answer key 

6) Other videos related to the topic. 

The materials were uploaded in three sets. The materials for the first set of lessons from each module were uploaded on 27 October 2020. Second and third sets were uploaded on 10th and 24th of November respectively. All the modifications and editing works were completed and the entire activity was wrapped by 4th December 2020.

Lakshmipriya P Santhosh

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