“Distanced Colonies and Made up Nations: Revisiting Travel Narratives”

An International seminar series called “Distanced Colonies and Made up Nations: Revisiting Travel Narratives” was conducted on the  23rd and 24th of  January, 2017. The chief guest of the seminar series was Dr. Anna Christina Mendez, Assistant Professor, University of Lisbon. The lecture  by   Dr. Ana Christina Mendez  attempted to examine the representations of multiple temporalities of globalization with reference to the evolving time scapes in the developing India as mentioned in the British Indian writer Rana Dasgupta’s non-fictional book, Capital: The Eruption of Delhi (2014), which is a compelling survey of Delhi’s encounter with capitalism or economic globalization. Dr.Ana began with an introductory video to the text. A plenary session was conducted by Dr. Sandhya P.Pai,  Associate professor, St Joseph’ s College, Aleppey. She spoke about orientalism and re-orientalism. A number of paper presenters presented  papers on  various subject areas of Travel Discourse.

Sneha Susan Samuel

Published by
Sneha Susan Samuel

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