
Alumnee Meet – French Department – 16.03.2024

On the 16.03.24, the French Department organized its Alumnee meet online. 35 members were present.

It was proposed and agreed upon that annual alumna fee will be paid by the Alumnae members and will be used to raise funds for the Alumnae Association. These funds will be later used to conduct Alumnae meets, scholarships, helping the needy students etc.

Last semester students of the French department will gain access to the French Alumnae WhatsApp group after paying a registration fee.

New office bearers have been added to the council. Congratulations to the new appointees; Ms Meryl Abraham – Secretary and Ms Sabitha Anosh – Overseas Coordinator.

It is decided that the next alumnae meet will be conducted offline regardless of circumstances.

Alumni entrepreneurs can serve as bridges between academia and industry, providing students with practical insights and valuable connections that can significantly benefit their professional development. 

As a valuable contribution of the Alumnae members to the College, few alumnae members have agreed to conduct remedial classes for present batch students, considering the upcoming exams. 

It was discussed that a tuition platform solely run by alumnae members will be established soon. This platform will provide monetary benefits to the alumnae members by giving private classes to the public. 

French Department

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