Categories: Public News

TROP Activity 2017-18



Botany department of St Teresa’s college conducted TROP programme at St Mary’s U.P School, Maradu. The students of III DC Botany were accompanied by two teachers Dr. Sheela and I.K Nishitha. We reached the school by 1:45pm. The one hour programme commenced at 2:00pm.

A group of six members, Aswini, Aswathy, Meera, Lakshmi, Catherine, Delicia of III DC Botany were introduced to a class of 14 boys of STD.VII A. They were smart and obedient. III DC Students introduced them the making of pen stands using waste papers. They were all exited and promised us to try those at home.

Students expressed their heartfelt thanks to Principal, Association Secretary Smt.I.K. Nikshitha, Dr. D. Sheela and all teachers of botany department for giving them the  opportunity to interact with the school students.


On 14th August  2017, at 1 o’clock p.m. 12  girls from 3rd year BSc botany along with respected teachers  Dr. Lizzy Mathew  and Smt. I K Nishitha  headed to St.Mary’s UP School, Moothedam, Maradu, Ernakulam.

Troop reached at the school at 2:10 P.M.  The students allotted to us were of class range of 7th and 8th standard. Classes started at 2:15 p.m. and it was an hour long class.

The students in the class were highly enthusiastic and ready for grasping the skills of artificial flower making using crape papers. Our students learnt new slang, patience, and how to deal with every student equally. It was a successful trip. Our students had a great experience and wonderful day


TROP activities were conducted by the students of 3rd year B.Sc. Botany students on 28th September 2017. The programs were conducted at St. Mary’s U.P School. Dr.AlphonsaVijaya Joseph and Dr. Romilly Margaret Mendez accompanied the students. Yoga demonstration classes were given under the leadership of Miss. Ugwala of IIIDC    Botany. Yoga helps to control stress, keeps the mind calm and makes us healthy. Yoga is not a religion; it is a way of living that aims towards ‘a healthy mind in a healthy body. Man is a physical, mental and spiritual being; yoga helps promote a balanced development of all the three. Other forms of physical exercises, like aerobics, assure only physical well-being. They have little to do with the development of the spiritual           or astral body.
Yogic exercises recharge the body with cosmic energy and facilitate:

  • Attainment of perfect equilibrium and harmony
  • Promotes self- healing.
  • Removes negative blocks from the mind and toxins from the body
  • Enhances personal power
  • Increases self-awareness
  • Helps in attention, focus and concentration, especially important for children
  • Reduces stress and tension in the physical body by activating the parasympathetic nervous system
  • The aspirant feels rejuvenated and energized. Thus, yoga bestows upon every aspirant the powers to control body and mind.

The students and teachers of the school were really cooperative throughout the programs. 


It is really worthwhile if the resources utilized in the craft making are from the waste materials commonly found at home. It has got dual benefit of disposing the waste as well as earning not only an additional money income but also the psychic income.

In keeping all these points in the background, we resource management (students) decided to conduct an awareness program for the students on CREATIVE CRAFT.

The program commenced at 10 am and it culminated by 1pm in the afternoon. Interactive sessions were conducted after a few craft demonstrations. Class was on   paper bag making and paper tray making.Two teachers Dr. Liza and Dr. D. Sheela are also accompanied by the students.


Our students conducted classes on fabric painting. The class was from 10am to 12pm on 7-11-17. The program was very effective and successful. The topic was very relevant and informative for the target group. Positive feedback was obtained from the students.

All the students and teachers participated were interested and gave a good response to the whole program. Our students were also happy and satisfied with the outcome of the program. The community link was strengthened and institution –society gap was reduced. On the whole it could be said that with each small steps that the department take, bring “TROP” closer to its objectives of giving back to the community its due.


Children deal with many distractions, temptations, overstimulation and peer pressure.

Yoga is a low-cost, helpful tool that can have a positive impact on children.

Here are some of the many benefits of teaching yoga to kids:

Yoga helps kids to:

  • Develop body awareness
  • Learn how to use their bodies in a healthy way
  • Manage stress through breathing, awareness, meditation and healthy movement
  • Build concentration
  • Increase their confidence and positive self-image
  • Feel part of a healthy, non-competitive group
  • Have an alternative to tuning out through constant attachment to electronic devices

Keeping all these points in mind, we the teachers and students arranged one more yoga class for students of lower classes (6th std.) of St.Mary’s UP school, Maradu on 17-01-17. The students were given training on Yoga. They were taught how to practice yoga through demonstration classes.





Nishitha I K

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