

The role of a teacher is not only limited to the four walls of the classroom. They can ignite the imagination, inspire hope and impart a love for learning in each student. And to mark this special bond is why we celebrate Teachers’ Day.

As part of Teachers day, posters and articles were added to the official Instagram page of the Department of Mathematics and Statistics.  Students expressed their gratitude and appreciation for their teachers through the articles using the social platform. Students also showed their love and respect for each teacher and gave them a lot of good wishes with their small yet sweet acts.

Teacher’s day was indeed a day for celebration for both the teacher and for the students. Even though students had to celebrate the day virtually, students expressed their love and respect through their small acts. It was a day to honor every beloved teacher who shaped the students with their knowledge, love, scoldings, and punishments, and so on.

Anu Mary John

Published by
Anu Mary John

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