Public News

Subject Expert For Women and Child Development Department’s Annual Review Meeting

Asst.Prof. Bindu John, Head of the Department of Psychology, served as a Resource Person during the Annual Review meeting of Sakhi One Stop Center, organized by the Department of Women and Child Development, Kerala State, on December 12, 2023. Attendees included police officials, lawyers, social workers, NGO representatives, as well as senior officials from the Women and Child Development Department and Sakhi One Stop Center.

The meeting focused on reviewing the activities carried out in the year 2023-24 for the rehabilitation and protection of women and children facing domestic and sexual abuse. Participants, comprising key stakeholders, were divided into teams for a brainstorming session to identify and address key issues related to the department’s operations. The Resource Person, Asst. Prof Bindu John, provided valuable suggestions and insights to facilitate smoother functioning of the department’s activities.

Bindu John

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