Community College


The Department of Community College along with the Dept. of Sociology and centre for Research, SmileMakers, Datri and St.Teresa’s NSS unit organized  a full day Blood Stem Cell Donor Registration Drive called rePresent 2.0 on 29/10/2019 from 9am-6pm at St.Teresa’s Arts Auditorium, for the 3 siblings Faizy (6yrs), Faiha (5yrs) and Faaiz (2yrs) of Mubarack and Nisha, who are suffering from the same blood disorder called Thalassemia Major, for which the only cure is a blood stem cell transplant. Cine Actress , Poornima Indrajith inaugurated the drive by registering her name and donating her cheek cell for HLA typing test. Sr.Vinitha (Director,STC) Presided the function. The occasion was blessed with the presence of Dr.Sajimol Augustine M,(Principal), Mr. Ben Samuel ( Datri’s Representative and 1st donor from kerala) and  Mr.Remiz (Smilemakers representative). We all hoped and prayed for the siblings to get a perfect match from our institution. Around 575 students and laymen participated and registered in the drive.

dinu simon

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