Bhoomitra Sena Activities

Report on World Environment Day 2022

Date : 08/06/2003

Venue : Platinum Jubilee Auditorium


‘Only one earth – to love, live and prosper’ was an event conducted joint by Bhoomithra sena club, NCC Army Wing, NCC Navy Wing and NSS Unit 41.

The program commenced by invoking the blessings of God Almighty, Nanikha Mary of III DC Mathematics recited the prayer.

The main events started with a welcome speech by Dr. Lissy Mathew, our principal followed by a presidential address from Rev.Sr.Dr Vinitha CSST, our provincial superior and manager.

The guest for the event was Dr.C.N Manoj, director Pelicean Kenterra P. Ltd . After addressing some common societal problems, he conducted an interactive session asking the students present there for various solutions. It was a very fun and lively session.

Succeeding this Dr. Nirmala Padmanabhan, vision of teresian bmc, suggested ways  to encourage green protocol among students and how each one can participate in atleast one activity related to the former.

A PowerPoint presentation regarding the Teresian Karshakasree challenge, and about the prize distribution was shown.

The prize distribution was held for the inter-departmental karshakasree challenge where the first prize was secured by the zoology department followed by chemistry and history department in second and third place respectively. Other prizes for bmc members were also awarded.

The green protocol pledge was taken by the members of NCC, NSS and BMC.

The program concluded with a vote of thanks by Alfiya Abdul Salam, III DC Economics.



Caroline Elizabeth Loyed

Published by
Caroline Elizabeth Loyed

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