
Time:11.30 Lunch Break

Department of Sociology and Department of Economics in collaboration with Bhoomithra Sena Club has organised a recycle drive as an interdepartmental competition on 26.08.2022. Recyclable matters include milk packets, newspapers and books, papers, plastic waste etc. The department that brings the maximum amount of recyclable matter will be given the prize. Students were directed to bring the recyclable materials to the green grill boxes in Arts, Science and Central Blocks in the allotted time and handed over to the volunteers there. Many departments have contributed.21.07 kg of paper waste was collected from all the departments and 2 excel size bag of plastic were also collected. From 21.07 kg of waste collected,5 kg was contributed by the history department giving the maximum amount and they became the winner of the drive. Later these materials were handed over to the recyclers.


Caroline Elizabeth Loyed

Published by
Caroline Elizabeth Loyed

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