Mathematics Activities

Discussion Forum for Research Problems in Data Analytics

On 29th May 2021 a discussion forum was conducted for students of 1st PG Applied Statistics and Data Analytics on the topic ‘Research problems in Data Analytics’. The programme started at 12.30 p.m. Ms.Teena  Mary, Junior Data Analyst at and also a former student of the Department was the resource person for the webinar. The primary objective of the programme was to provide a research orientation for the students and to also familiarize them with various online resources for doing their project. The participants were also made aware of the different open data sources such as Kaggle website, Github repository etc. A total of 31 students including the faculty attended the session. The webinar was conducted under the able leadership of Miss. Anju NB, Asst. prof. Dept. of Statistics. Miss Elsa Philomon of I MSc statistics was the student coordinator for the programme.


Through the session the students were able to get an idea on the various open Data sources, how to proceed with the project work and various research methodologies for future.

Dhanalakshmi O M

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