Cochin news

Online Workshop – “Emotional Health and Mind-Body Integration – A Mindful Pathway to Well Being

Department of Psychology in association with Care of Minds (CAMS) organized an online workshop on “Emotional Health and Mind-Body Integration- A Mindful Pathway to Well-being” on 7th October 2020 for the B.Sc Psychology students of 1st, 2nd and 3rd year students. The workshop was led by Dr. Fr. Rajeev Michael and Dr. Sr. Roshin John Kunnel from Care of Minds, Cochin from 9.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. A total of 170 students and 5 faculty members attended the program in which the resource persons gave active insights into mindful living and on strategies that can be adopted to improve emotional health and well being. The program was well-received by the audience.

Bindu John

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