
National Tourism Day with Atelier Ecriture Créative – 25.01.24

On the 25.01.24, the French Department organized, in collaboration with India Tourism Kochi, the National Tourism Day.

On this occasion, the students of the department participated in the workshop “Ecriture créative en chanson” conducted by the musician and traveller Devender.

Coming from Delhi where he learned French at Alliance Française, Devender was working for a French bank in Bangalore for 15 years which gave him the opportunity to travel in France and in Europe.

He left his position 4 years ago to become a full-time musician and travel accross India with his songs in Hindi and in French. He worked with Alliance française of Chandigarh and conducts workshops on creative writing around music (in French, English and Hindi). It was his first time in South India.

During this workshop, Devender shared his experiences with French and introduced the students to French music, reminding them the importance of songs to learn a new language. He himself learned French through songs.

In the afternoon, the workshop focused on creating a full song, using daily words in French. The students were thus able to express themselves in everyday French, worked on their pronunciation and exposed themselves to French culture.


French Department

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