college news

National Seminar on Indian Democracy: 75 years organised by Dept. of Economics, Sponsored by Institute of Parliamentary Affairs- November 7th 2022


The Department of Economics & Centre for Research, St. Teresa’s College, Autonomous Ernakulam has organised a one day National Seminar in sponsorship with Institute of Parliamentary  Affairs, Govt of Kerala  on the topic “INDIAN DEMOCRACY 75 YEARS”. The National Seminar was held  on 7th November 2022 in the college seminar hall.


Dr. Sr. Vinitha CSST, Provincial Superior & Manager , St. Teresa’s College gave the presidential address for the gathering. Dr. Alphonsa  Vijaya  Joseph , Principal , St. Teresa’s College gave the principal’s Address

The Seminar was inaugurated by Adv.Sebastian Paul , Former Member of Parliament

The Keynote address was delivered by Adv. Mathew Kuzhalnadam , Member of Legislative Assembly

Session on model parliament was dealt by Prof.Dr.Leela Manjooran, Retd. Professor, Department of Political Science

The session was followed by Paper Presentation by the students. Best Paper was awarded cash prize and certificate


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