
Le département célèbre l’Epiphanie – 23.01.2024

On the 23.01.24, the French Department was happy to celebrate one of the most delicious event in France: l’Epiphanie!

After a small presentation of this special day by our French faculty, the students of the French department tested their knowledge during a quiz.

Epiphanie celebrates the visit of the 3 wise men to the Infant Jesus. It is now a family gathering where people share a special puff pastry called “galette”. Inside the galette is hidden a Fève, a small object (a doll). Whoever finds the fève becomes the king or the queen of the day and wears a crown!

You can easily imagine the impatience of the students and teachers to share such a cake! Our 3 queens this year are Aleena K.N., Jeniya and Sreenanda, from UG3. A nice memory to take with them on their final year of BA…

French Department

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