The second year students of the department of chemistry, St Teresa’s College, organized a flash mob on 26th July, 2023 to celebrate the Kargil Vijay Diwas. It is celebrated every 26 July in India, to observe India’s victory over Pakistan in the Kargil War. The event was presented at Grand Mall, Edapally under the sheer guidance of Head of the department, Dr Saritha Chandran and Association head      Dr. Annu Raju. The students extended their respect and homage for the Kargil heroes through their dance rhythm and sweet vocals. A total of 36 students contributed their enthusiastic support and through the efforts the crowd was made aware of the victory of India at the Kargil war front and the unforgettable sacrifices of its heroes. The event was indeed a true symbol of commemoration of the Kargil saga.                          


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