International Workshop on English Skill Development

The International Workshop on English Skill Development was organized by the Department of English Literature in collaboration with Rainbow VolunTours as part of the TROP on 12 August 2015 at 2:00pm. Anagha Mohan of III DC English welcomed the gathering. The Director of the college, Dr. Sr.Vinitha, gave the presidential address and later the principal of the college Dr.Sajimol Augustine was invited to do the felicitations.

It is the first International workshop organized in connection with the TROP and extension activities in St.Teresa’s college. Ridhi Patel, the founder of Rainbow VolunTours, introduced the students to the activities of the organization. The U.K based organization places volunteers from all over the world in schools, orphanages and other projects in India and in the Maldives. It gives opportunities for students and tourists who are in between their jobs and career breaks to do internship which promotes and enhances the spirit of communal service. A volunteer from England, Ethan Coupland, took the first session of the workshop. Dismantling the myths of using native languages, he talked about the diverse teaching techniques in an interactive session. He even demonstrated a game of charades that helps to communicate to the children without the use of language.

The second session was by Amy Walsh, an Irish volunteer, on student-teacher interaction. Amy stressed on the significance of eye contact and gestures and also of the usage of simplified English. In the feedback session, Maia Lyngseth, A volunteer from Spain, Michael Domen ,a Belgian, who is the Kerala programme manager of Rainbow VolunTours, Anne and Anagha II and III year Literature students shared their experiences of the volunteering works that they have undertook. Students found the workshop very resourceful as they could inculcate the techniques for their domain of service. It was a platform for resource sharing.  The workshop was brought to a close with a vote of thanks proposed by Arya S. of III Literature.



Sneha Susan Samuel

Published by
Sneha Susan Samuel

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