French Department Activities

How to make friends with French language: “Frienchship”. Loyola College, Chennai, visits St Teresa’s Department of French. 28 10 2022.

The Department of French is very proud and happy to have welcomed 30 students and 2 professors from the French Department of Loyola College (Autonomous), Chennai, on 28th of October 2022, as part of their visit to Kerala.

Loyola College’s III BA French students and their teachers were introduced to Kerala dances, songs and spots of interest by Department of Bharathnatyam I UG students and BA French I and II UG students. Loyola’s students, on their side, held a France Culture quiz and sang some famous French songs.
Fun, music and friendship have been the main features of the event.

Merci de votre visite et à bientôt !!!

French Department

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