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Hearty Congrats to Under 25 STC team for winning 5 SWA Awards

The Awards function at Under 25 was organised online on Youtube Live on 13th September 2020. Under 25 is a go to platform that inspires millions of students for the discovery of career opportunities and giving them a true industrial experience. It has its branch across 100+ colleges across India. The Space Warrior Awards (SWA) 2019-20 were organised to commemorate the efforts of students in colleges across Inida who are part of Under 25 campus network for the year .

Our College team was nominated for a total of 13 awards out of which we have won 5, that put us in the position of the College with the most amount of Awards.

Group awards include:

Space Shuttle- The best overall team
Beyond a doubt- The most no. of brand campaigns
Cha Ching- The most amount of money made

Individual awards:

Festival Director of the year- (Ms. Alka Meriam- B com. Regular)
Backbone- Best staff Coordinator (Ms. Poornendu J- R&D)

Congratulations to the entire team!

Poornendu J

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